High-risk fever av Lea Bronsen (Ebok)

High-risk fever (Ebok)

a ménage erotica


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2018
Antall sider: 189
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filstørrelse: 5.66 MB
Filformat: PDF
Forlag: Writers in Crime
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788293823025
Kategori: Romaner og Romaner
Omtale High-risk fever
Two young and indecently handsome bicyclists visit a village in the French Alps during the summer holidays. Forced by a raging storm to spend the night at the local bed & breakfast, they invade the quiet lives of hostess Anne and her husband, Brian. A power outage plunges the foursome into darkness, encouraging new liaisons to form, life-long secrets to be unveiled, and steamy lessons to be learned. But once the storm moves on, can the four find a balance and resume their normal lives?
**Note: This is the Second Edition of the book previously published in 2014, with a new cover and an additional chapter**

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