Shadows from the Past av Torill Thorup (Ebok)

Shadows from the Past (Ebok)


Lisa Henriksen (Oversetter)

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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2024
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: EPUB3
Forlag: Lind & Co
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Skygger fra fortiden
Oversatt av: Henriksen, Lisa
ISBN/EAN: 9789180952361
Kategori: Romanserier , Romanserier og Dokumentar og fakta
Omtale Shadows from the Past
The year is 1906. An old family feud forces the young Inga into a marriage blighted by hatred, betrayal and dark secrets. She must wed Niels Gaupås, a district court judge almost three times her age. The situation worsens when she also falls in love with Martin, the young son of a local farmer.

Inga Svartdal is a series of twelve books in which we follow the intrigues in Vestfold, Norway, at the beginning of the last century. Sinful desire, humiliation and grief await in the pages of the books, as the beautiful young Inga experiences intense and forbidden love.

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